It’s a baby girl!

28 Aug

I am an Indian living in Kuwait. Given that I am an Indian with a 5000+ year of history and cultural background (which is supposed to be a lot), I dont know how I feel when I am forced to say, ‘It Is Much Safer Here’!
This is one of the best posts I have ever read. It is written by Sahaja Patel in her own blog. As much as it is touching, I cannot stop myself from making two points– (1). It has to be the ‘woman’ who needs to speak up for herself. Keeping quite wont help- shout out and use your own hands, legs, claws and nails. Fearlessly protect your own self in any way you deem necessary. In the kind of place, time and political country we live in, blaming anything wont help. Arguing that the sons and Men should be taught may be valid, BUT IF IT IS NOT WORKING- DONT WAIT FOR IT TO WORK THE RIGHT WAY. If morals failing, dont wait for conscience to wake. Law in India is weak and does not instill fear in perpetrators. Not a single bastard should be allowed to roam free. When words and teachings fail, a cane or bullet needs to start doing its job. (2) Religion and anything else does not matter. A ‘Baba-ji’ or a drunkard are both equally at fault and cannot be spared. We choose our representatives to run the Government, but the Guys we have chosen so far have made a farce of law and order and everything else. It is time to change, and WE have to change ourselves. God wont help if we only pray and take no steps; and definitely no Politician would.

The Espresso Addict

She was 27, and at home.

She stood in front of the mirror, naked. She looked at her breasts. This was the biggest they had ever been. But she knew that they were going to get bigger. She stared at herself for a long while before she ran her right hand across the entire area of her belly, from just above her abdomen, all the way down to its lower end. It looked bloated and the bump had begun to show through her clothes now. She was five months pregnant, and had just received her scans from her gynecologist. She had dreaded this moment would come right from when she turned into a teenager. And 15 years later, she still wasn’t prepared for it.

“You are going to have a healthy and beautiful baby girl. You just have to keep eating healthy, and get good sleep and sufficient exercise, just like…

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Posted by on August 28, 2013 in The Thursday Blog


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